Habbz Hotel is closing FOREVER! Many Habbz are moving to the new retro: HotelMario.ath.cx
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Habbz Hotel Closed Down!

Hello Habbzians! :(
Habbz Hotel owners have decided to shut down habbz.. FOREVER! They say that they will close it the 22nd or 23rd of august! Anyone that bought VIP recently will be refunded. This is a very sad day for all of Habbz users. Many people are quitting right now, but some decided to say for the until the final minutes till habbz closes! HabbzTabbz will be hosting a HUGE Goodbye party the 22nd, so dont forget to attend. We will post more information on it later.

Still wanna see your Habbz Friends? Many of them are moving to a new retro called HotelMario.ath.cx

Dont believe me that Habbz will be closing? Check out what John on the forums:

"The time has come
After many hours of discussion between Myself and Craig, we have come to a very important decision

Habbz Hotel will be closing down on the day our vps subscriptions expire which is around the 22nd or 23rd of August 2009

There are a few reasons why we came to this decision

1. Me and Craig are in our 20's, We shouldn't be babysitting kids on a Habbo Hotel private server.

2. We can not afford to keep Habbz Hotel open anymore

3. We don't have the time to commit to Habbz Hotel anymore.

4. We are sick of the amount of backstabbing,scammers,hackers we get.

5. We are sick of the amount of disrespect some users are showing Myself Craig and other members of Staff and the community in general.

What happens next?

This forum will probably be revamped into a general forum like ragezone and otaku for example, This new forum will not include anything related to Habbz in any way or form

The retro will close on the 22nd august at 11.00am GMT

The radio will close when the subscription expires

Thanks and fuckings

All Staff Past and Present - You played a major part in what Habbz became, You were part of the life and soul of Habbz and it was a honor working with you, Please keep in touch

The Community - Had its ups and downs but still, Habbz wouldn't have been Habbz without you and we thank you for sticking with us

Fuckings go out to Inmort - You're just a spanish sambucka drinking faggot that has fuck all else to do in life except try and act gangsta on a private server, get a life you spanish cunt

Concerning our Emulator

No one is getting it unless me and Rank mutually decide otherwise

Wanna keep in contact?


John - x DeaDLy ViRuS

Craig - AwareSolution


John - john@habbzhotel.org

Craig - Ask for it

Rank - chris@habflash.co.uk ( add habbz name to request)

Sorry it all ended this way, Habbz has had 2 fantastic years.

We all saw this coming.

If you paid for vip and are still waiting for it

Paypal users will be refunded

onebip users contact your mobile carrier to try for a refund

If you already have your vip, sorry but terms and conditions state your vip lasts for life of hotel, meaning no refund"

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